26 Sep 2018Big picture
DSDT: Differentiated System Description Table
Clover introduction
Reference: HotPatch开启完美黑苹果新天地!(抛弃传统DSDT方法,完美黑苹果)
Prepare your USB
Reference: [教學]看圖施工,保證成功 – 黑蘋果+Win10 雙系統主機安裝
- Use unibeast
- Add -v to boot/Arguments
- You might need to enable USB inject and FixOwnership on Devices/USB/
Old version(Maybe it's fake): 黑果小兵
Use diskutil list to show the partition
Clover configuration abstract
Best Hackintosh Laptop in 2018
My laptop
- Laptop model: Acer TravelMate P259-G2-M
- CPU: Kaby Lake Mobile i5-7200U
- GPU: Intel HD620
- Sound Card: Realtek ALC255
- Wifi: Intel Wireless-AC 7265
- Ethernet: Realtek RTL8168/8111
- Card Reader: Realtek RTS5287
My Steps
- Install OS
- Install brew
- 膜拜 RehabMan OS-X-Clover-Laptop-Config
1 2 3 4 5 6 7git clone https://github.com/RehabMan/OS-X-Clover-Laptop-Config.git cp config_HD615_620_630_640_650.plist EFI/config.plist ./download.sh unzip _downloads/tools/iasl.zip cp iasl /usr/local/bin make cp Build/* EFI/CLOVER/ACPI/patched
- ls _downloads/kexts
- RehabMan-Atheros-2015-0624.zip
- RehabMan-Battery-2018-1005.zip # 顯示電池用量
- RehabMan-BrcmPatchRAM-2018-0505.zip # Broadcom bluetooth
- RehabMan-CodecCommander-2018-1003.zip
- RehabMan-FakePCIID-2018-0919.zip
- RehabMan-FakeSMC-2018-0915.zip
- RehabMan-Realtek-Network-v2-2017-0322.zip
- RehabMan-USBInjectAll-2018-1008.zip # 控制、修正USB
- RehabMan-Voodoo-2018-1008.zip
- acidanthera-AirportBrcmFixup.zip
- acidanthera-BT4LEContiunityFixup.zip
- acidanthera-Lilu.zip # 第三方driver共用套件
- acidanthera-WhateverGreen.zip # 顯卡,需要Lilu
My kext
- /S/L/E, /L/E, Clover
- 藍牙,官網說不能放在CLOVER裡
- BrcmPatchRAM2.kext/
- BrcmFirmwareRepo.kext/
- ACPIBatteryManager.kext/ # 電池
- ApplePS2SmartTouchPad.kext/ # 鍵盤、touchpad
- Do not use VoodooPS2Controller.kext and AppleSmartPS2TouchPad.kext together.
- FakeSMC.kext/ # unknow
- RtWlanU.kext/ & RtWlanU1827.kext/ # Wifi
- From Wireless-USB-Adapter-Clover
- Need to check the path you installed, make sure it's in EFI
- AppleALC.kext/ # 音效
- `Supported codecs <https://github.com/acidanthera/AppleALC/wiki/Supported-codecs>`_
- Edit your config.plist Devices/Audio/Inject
- CodecCommander.kext/ # unknow
- Lilu.kext/
- RealtekRTL8111.kext/ # Ethernet
- USBInjectAll.kext/ # disable local bluetooth
- VoodooI2C.kext/ # for PNLF (背光)
- WhateverGreen.kext/ # 顯卡(不知有沒有用)
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Apple Store Login
Reference: App Store login Verification fix for only wifi pc
- Choose iMac
- Makesure that your Ethernet's name is en0
- Use CLover Configurator to set your SMBIOS
Disable USB port for bluetooth
Reference: How to disable on-board Bluetooth?
- Install USBInjectAll
- Use SSDT-UIAC-ALL.dsl for port configuration
- MaciASL
- tonymacx86 tools
- MultiBeast
- UniBeast
- Clover Configurator
- KCPM Utility Pro
- IORegistryExplorer
vi ./Library/KeyBindings/DefaultKeyBinding.dict
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 |
VNC key binding
Fix Spotlight
Reference: Applications Don't Show Up in Spotlight
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